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Book: The Future Of Competitive Strategy

Press Release

The Future of Competitive Strategy
Mohan Subramaniam

About the book:

For several decades now, most firms have framed their competitive strategy around three premises: 1) that products drive revenues, 2) value chains (a host of activities such as purchasing, operations and marketing) shape how products are positioned in the market, and 3) the industry you are in, either amplifies or diminishes the value of your products. In today's world things have changed. You just have to look at companies like Facebook, Google or Amazon to realize that these kinds of companies have generated enormous wealth not from products - but from data; and not because of the nature of their industries - but from the strength of their digital ecosystems. My book is about how traditional, or legacy firms - that are not digital platforms like Google, can also generate value from data and digital ecosystems. It is a book that helps executives understand how to frame a modern competitive strategy. It is also rooted in the theoretical foundations of the field of competitive strategy and can be used in MBA classrooms. Here is the link from MIT Press, the publishers: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262046992/

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