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Bijoy Misra 09/24/2020 Announcement for Online Workshop on NÄá¹yaÅ›Ästra AbhinavabhÄratÄ«, the only ancient commentary available on the NÄá¹yaÅ›Ästra provides a gate way to understand the system of theatre and the philosophy that underlies Bharata’s text. With a view to provide a first-hand exposure of the text of the NÄá¹yaÅ›Ästra and to understand its philosophy in the light of AbhinavabhÄratÄ« of Abhinavagipta, it is proposed to organize a ten day online workshop on the NÄá¹yaÅ›Ästra from 5th October 2020 to 14th October 2020. Method The workshop will cover all the chapters of NÄá¹yaÅ›Ästra (except chapters 29th, 31st and 34th) along with relevant portions from the AbhinavabhÄratÄ«. The text will be explained through Power Points including figures/ graphics/charts wherever necessary. The soft copy NÄá¹yaá¹¥Ästra Reader comprised of selections from all the 37chapters of the NÄá¹yaá¹¥Ästra (Sanskrit texts only) will be given to the participants and the lectures in the workshop will be based on the text selected in this Reader. The Workshop will be conducted by Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi. Dr. Sanjay Dwivedi will be responsible for overall management. Eligibility criterion: Graduates in any discipline, with ability to read DevnÄgarÄ« Script. Contact hours: 30 clock hours including discussion. 2.30 hrs. for lecture and 30 minutes for discussion each day. The medium for the Lectures by the Resource Person will be mostly English. The discussions may proceed through Sanskrit, Hindi or English. Course Fees: Rs. 5,000/- (Inclusive of the soft copies of the course material) Amount to be sent through bank transfer to Account Name: Gokul Jan Kalyan Samiti, Bhopal Bank name: Punjab National Bank Branch – Arvind Vihar, Bhopal Account type : Saving account Account number: 7790000100023102 IFSC/NEFT code: PUNB0779000 MICR Code : 462024029 For registration and other queries please write to: Dr. Sanjay Dwivedi, Director Dhruva E mail : gokuljankalyan2017@gmail.com All correspondence to be done through e mail only. After depositing the registration fees, please send the copy of the receipt through e mail. About Resource Persons Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi: World-known scholar of Sanskrit and authority on Sanskrit Dramaturgy, Creative writer and poet in Sanskrit and Hindi, author of several books and literary compositions, recipient of several prestigious awards, including Certificate of Honour by President of India, Ex-Vice-chancellor of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed to be University), Delhi and formerly a Fellow of IIAS, Shimla. Presently he is working n the Karnatak Chair of Orientology at Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune. Dr. Sanjay Dwivedi : a scholar of Sanskrit, talented singer, music director and organizer of cultural events and Founder Director of Dhruvaa. He has worked on Music in NÄá¹yaÅ›Ästra for his Ph.D. He has also learned classical Indian Music in the guruparamparÄ of Kumar Gandharva. He has applied his scholarship in Sanskrit and training in classical music to bring the splendor of Classical Sanskrit poetry to masses. Dhruvaa – the first Sanskrit Music Band (Vá¹›nda) in India founded by him has given performances in more than 100 events of national level in various cities of India. ![]() You may also access this article through our web-site http://www.lokvani.com/ |
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