Press Release 09/03/2020
IIT AGNE elections will be held in November 2020 at a venue and date that will be announced shortly. Meanwhile we would like to introduce the Election Committee for 2020 which will consist of:Nominations for the election of office bearers are due by October 1, 2020. We are seeking nominations for:PresidentExecutive Vice PresidentSecretaryTreasurerVice Presidents: five Vice Presidents from the five original IlTs plus two additional vice presidents from any of the newer llTs.
Prospective candidates should email a brief biodata and the following information to the Election Committee (Elections@iitagne,org)
Mandatory Information:NameName of IIT institutionYear of graduationDepartmentE mail address
Optional information:Phone NumberName of Organization where you workDesignation
Only IIT AGNE Life Members, Regular Members and Student Members have the right to vote and are eligible for Executive Committee positions. Members that have registered by September 30, 2020 will be eligible to vote and to be nominated, in this year's election. We request all IIT alumni to become members of IITAGNE. Please register as a member on our website iitagne.org, if you have not already done so or do not recall. Click: About -> Become a Member.
Life Members from IIT SINE will need to re-register and pay as Life Members of IIT AGNE since IIT AGNE was organized as a separate nonprofit. Currently, membership is FREE for Regular and Student members, while Life Members pay one-time membership dues of $150.
Thank you,
The IIT AGNE Election Committee.
Raj Melville, Anil Saigal, Ravi Rastogi and Raj Laad
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