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Shishu Bharati: India Journey Through Time

Press Release

Indian School of Languages and Culture, Shishu Bharati’s, biennial community event, “India - Journey through Time” was filled with colorful performances, informative booths and overall excitement and entertainment for the whole family.

On Sunday, November 18th, Shishu Bharati’s Alumni Band kicked off with a patriotic performance of the Indian and American National Anthems. The theme of the event was based on the evolution of different fields or subjects over the centuries in India. The cultural dances were a crowd pleaser and included various types of dance style from all over India. A piece from Mohenjo Daro, songs from western India, and a dance evolution from the southern state of Tamilnadu all demonstrated the diversity of India. By delivering a tidbit of their state’s colors, costumes, and traditions through dance the audience was kept entertained and not an ounce of boredom was felt  among the spectators.

A bow on the gift, that was the Cultural booths, they were called Time Stations.  The field house was decorated with various time stations, all about different aspects of Indian advancement and progression over the years. Changes in the household, community, customs, fashion, arts and crafts, music, technology, sports, transportation, education, occupation, literature, media, ammunition and history  were included. Teachers and students alike diligently spent their time and effort in the past couple of months into researching, creating and finally perfecting every aspect of their colorful and informative displays.
Shishu Bharati Presidient, Seshi Sompuram’s speech was a touching moment for all, acting as a thank you to all the brave and powerful performers, the hardworking teachers, and of course, the passionate volunteers, who took the time out of their day of their own free will, to help improve our society one step at a time. The volunteers have been a critical part of Shishu Bharati’s history and success. Shishu Bharati has relied on volunteers since day one, and for good reason. The student volunteers have all graduated from Shishu Bharati and are willing to give their best to make Shishu Bharati the best learning environment possible. As the event coordinator Anu Balasubramanian rightly mentioned, the student volunteers “show their passion to the community by volunteering”. During the volunteer appreciation segment, over 40 volunteers were awarded the Presidential Volunteer Service Award that comes from the President of United States himself.

The teachers intended to use this event to teach the syllabus in a fun and exciting way and engage all students. It was an extra effort taken by the teachers and volunteers  to teach our students a little more about their language, culture, and heritage.

Shishu Bharati’s dedication and passion to serve the community is what made this special event  exciting, inspiring, awesome and successful.  Thank you all for joining us to make this biennial event yet another memorable one.

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