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Ayurveda Day Events In Boston

Pratibha Shah

Ayurveda Day Events in Boston 

November 5th was celebrated in India as Ayurveda Day with a variety of nation-wide activities such as walkathons, free clinics, seminars and more. Boston Ayurveda community also participated enthusiastically with lectures and seminars on Ayurveda. Council for Ayurveda Research (CAR), Boston Center of Excellence (BoCE), Wholistic Health Alliance (WHA) and My Ayurved LLC individually and jointly organized Ayurveda centric activities for public and professionals alike.

As part of the Ayurveda Day celebrations, which were spread over the week, Padmashri Vaidya Shri Balendu Prakash ji, an eminent global scholar and clinician, was invited to the Boston area, to enlighten and engage on evidence based Ayurveda protocols and integrative medicine.

There was great interest around his talk on ‘Management of recurring acute/ chronic Pancreatitis by using metal based Ayurvedic treatment’ to a group of clinicians and academicians at Brigham and Women’s Hospital on November 2nd.

“Bringing the concepts of the holistic system of Ayurveda to top physicians of the world in a language of modern medicine is a very welcome step”, said Bal Ram ji, Chairman, BoCE. “Such interactions are key to develop integrative medicine’, added Singh.

“Vaidya Balendu ji has a significant documented body of work with data, on his success with Pancreatitis as well as Migraine, in addition to the other diseases he consults for. He was visiting USA to deliver a keynote at the 4th World Congress on Digestive and Metabolic Diseases, held in San Francisco, from October 29th-30th. We wanted to make sure we were able to introduce his work to the Academia in the greater Boston area,” said Dr Pratibha Shah, (Founder President of CAR, WHA). “Balendu ji also offered time and spoke to the general community about his protocols for successful resolution of Migraine on Nov 4th.”

Vaidya Balendu ji has offered to share his presentations on Migraine and Pancreatitis as well as his ebook documenting his work on Pancreatitis, free of cost to anyone interested. One can contact Dr Pratibha Shah at docpratshah@gmail.com to avail the above.

My Ayurved LLC CEO Dr Pratibha Shah also delivered lectures at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, as part of the ongoing Ayurveda Day celebrations.

Contact: docpratshah@gmail.com

Council for Ayurveda Research: http://ayurvedaresearchusa.org/

Boston Center of Excellence: http://theboce.org/

Wholistic Health Alliance: http://www.wholistichealthalliance.org/

My Ayurved LLC: http://www.myayurved.org/

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