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Bangla-O-Biswa Celebrates Durga Puja

Basab Datta

Bangla-O-Biswa (BoB), a 36-year-old non-profit organization based out of Greater Boston celebrated Durga Puja on 13-14 October 2018 at Wellesley High School (50 Rice St, Wellesley Hills, MA). For the length of 2 days, the school cafeteria became the abode of our benevolent Ma Durga and with flowers, prayers and music we sought blessings of the motherly power behind all life and creation. For the ethnic food aficionados there was a delectable offering of dishes (both veg and non-veg) comprising of a delicious home cooked mutton, shrimp curry, matar-paneer, pulao, omlette curry, jackfruit curry and many other such lip-smacking items. More than 400 people attended each day and were regaled by an array of electrifying performances by local artists covering dance ensemble routines, comedy plays as well as song medleys. The culturally inclined and those seeking a window into the latest indigenous talents and emerging musical trends were treated to the renowned vocalist/piano-playing duo of– Soumyajit (student of Pt Ajay Chakraborty) and Sourendro (student of Ustad Vilayat Khan) who created a musical journey on Saurday evening that traversed the vast and varied terrains of Bengal. ‘sindoor-khela’ was held on Sunday afternoon with much fervor, a traditional ritual where sindoor and sweets were offered to the Goddess to pray for the well-being of all. The festivities ended on a high note with a soul-touching performance by National-award winner Iman Chakraborty on Sunday evening. As the night rolled in, with a heavy heart we bid good-bye to Ma Durga and wrapped up proceedings with the promise of a year-long wait for this annual spectacle to repeat itself.


For more information visit: http://www.banglabiswa.org/

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