IITAGNE Invites Nominations For Office Bearers
Press Release 09/11/2018
The election of IITAGNE office bearers will be held on November 10, 2018. Please mark your calendar. More details will follow.
Please note the following:
The nominations for the of office bearers are due by October 8, 2018. We are seeking nominations for:
Executive Vice President
Vice Presidents: five Vice Presidents from the five original IlTs
plus two additional vice presidents from any of the newer llTs.
Prospective candidates should e-mail a brief bio-data including the following information to the Election Comittee:
Mandatory Information:
Name of IIT institution
Year of graduation
E mail address
Optional information-
Phone No.
Name of Organization where you work
request all IIT alumni to become members of IITAGNE. Only IIT AGNE Life
Members, Regular Members and Student Members have the right to vote and
are eligible for Executive Committee positions. Members that have
registered by September 30, 2018 will be eligible to
vote and to be nominated, in this year's election. Please register as a
member, if you have not already done so or do not recall.
Life Members from IIT SINE will need to reregister and pay as Life
Members of IIT AGNE since IIT AGNE was organized as a nonprofit and
funds from IIT SINE cannot be rolled over. Currently, membership is FREE
for Regular and Student members, while Life Members pay one-time
membership dues of $150. The Executive Committee has decided to impose
membership dues for all categories beginning January 1, 2019 and to
charge nonmembers for future events in 2019. You can sign up as a member
at our web page Become A Member. We urge you to do so as soon as
We need all IIT alumni residing in New England area to
Participate in Election process either by submitting nomination or electing the office bearers
Volunteer to organize IITAGNE events, and
Represent your institution at the events organized by IITAGNE.
spread the word by forwarding this mail to your friends as many of them
are not members of IITAGNE and are not in our database.
You may also access this article through our web-site http://www.lokvani.com/