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Yoga For Women - Benefits & Precautions

Press Release

Yoga for Women

Should the practice of yoga for women and men be different? Are there specific yoga postures for women that they should or should not do?

Yoga for Women

Yoga for Men vs. Women

Should the practice of yoga for women and men be different? Are there specific yoga postures for women that they should or should not do?

Traditionally, Sadhguru explains, most yogic practices were created with the male body in mind, which is why women should be careful about what they practice and when they practice. He looks at how certain practices being taught around the world today are not suitable for women as they may cause physical damage and injury.

Watch this video on yoga for women.

Shambhavi Mahamudra Alleviates Menstrual Disorders

The benefits of yoga in relieving ailments suffered by women have been under much study in recent years. 75% of women are thought to experience problems related to menstruation, which has a huge physical, psychological, social and economic impact on their life. The primary means of treatment for such issues are known to offer less than satisfactory relief, even when patients choose surgery as a last resort.

A team from the Poole Hospitals NHS Trust, UK, and the Indiana University School of Medicine conducted a survey female practitioners of the Shambhavi Mahamudra, a yogic kriya practice offered in Isha Yoga programs. Results showed significant decreases in dysmenorrhea, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, heaviness of menstrual flow, irregularity of menstrual cycle, the need for medical or surgical intervention for disorders, and the impairment of work during the menstrual period. The authors conclude that the kriya “can be considered as an adjunct therapy for menstrual disorders given the improved symptoms in all the parameters.”

Read more about the benefits of yoga for menstrual disorders.

Yoga for Pregnant Women

Yoga for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy can be a significant part of many women’s lives. Sadhguru explains that, traditionally, pregnant women were treated with great care and wisdom in Indian culture. “On every level, from conception to all aspects,” he says, “care was taken so that life happens in the best possible way right from day one.”

Although not all types of yogic practices are advisable during this time, the practice of yoga for pregnant women is very important and even crucial in making an expectant mother’s experience of pregnancy, child birth and parenthood as wonderful as it can be.

Isha offers several initiatives that make pregnancy a joy, and ensure a healthy mother and child. “Isha Thaimai” is an initiative specially designed for pregnant mothers to bring more awareness about the pregnancy period and teach them how to keep their body, mind, and emotion in a pleasant way, in order to experience a joyful pregnancy.

Note: Pregnant women should not consume neem. Read more here.

Learn more about yoga for pregnant women.

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Should Yoga Be Practiced Differently By Men and Women?

Sadhguru looks at how traditionally, most yogic practices were created with the male body in mind, which is why women should be careful about what they practice and when they practice.

Sadhguru looks at how traditionally, most yogic practices were created with the male body in mind, which is why women should be careful about what they practice and when they practice. He looks at how certain practices being taught around the world today are not appropriate for women.


Should Yoga Be Practiced Differently By Men and Women?

Sadhguru: If you… if you look at the classic yogic system, it is essentially created for the male body. They did not consider the female body because females never came for sadhana in those times. It was not possible for them to come, for various reasons – biological reasons, social reasons, the way everything else was and because yoga was not taught in a studio, it was taught by some guru somewhere in some cave, in some mountains, some forest, a woman could not go in those days. So largely, ninety percent of the yogic system was oriented towards the male body, not towards the female body. So many systems of yoga, which are being recklessly taught today could damage a woman’s body if not properly handled.

One of the things that you are learning is mayurasana. They told you not to do mayurasana? Yeah, because mayurasana is not suitable for women. It’s a peacock asana, not a peahen asana. (Laughter) So like this there are many aspects, some of them are very physical aspects, some of them more subtle, but they are there. If we have to look at all of them, they’ll all fall asleep on me. I have to… a responsibility of keeping all of them awake, so (Laughs) we cannot go into all of that. But essentially there are certain things a woman should not do at all. There are certain things that she should not do at certain times.

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So what she should not do at all? Generally in Isha Yoga we have not even looking at those things, except mayurasana and a few other things which are not… in coming in touch with you. For brahmacharis we have a few things which… which are not necessary for others. So during certain times what you should not do depends from one moment to another. It could be little different. Not everybody suffers those few days as much as somebody else. For some people it throws whole… their whole life off the track.

Some people go through it without much disturbance, either in their psychological or physiological system. So depending upon how a particular person is, mild adjustments will have to be made, but if we are doing anything which is very forceful, if we’re doing any practice which is forceful in nature, it is best to avoid it at those times, because any forceful activity could cause agitation in the body and in the mind, because at that time naturally body is seeking a certain amount of rest, a certain amount of quiet… not agitated activity. But today because the whole world is male, including women… Yes, the whole world is masculine, including women because there is no other way to survive and exist in the world. It’s all been structured for masculinity to find expression and women have to fit into it. Sunday holiday, do you understand, whether you like it or not.

A woman would have liked to have holiday on those days when she doesn’t want to be too active; that would be a natural urge. But that’s not the thing, we give you Sunday holiday whether you like it or not, okay? So those subtle adjustments are not possible in life. So it’s better to try to do certain type of yoga to prepare you to be more masculine, to handle life the way it is structured right now, because without that you may be considered incompetent. I wouldn’t personally consider it as incompetent but the world may label you as incompetent if you cannot do certain things in the world, which may not at all be feminine. So a certain amount of building a little macho stuff into you is needed to make you successful in the world, because that is also an important part of life.

There are certain other aspects which are more towards kriya than asana. If you have learned to do asana in a very relaxed way, it’s all right to do everything. If you are still not there, it’s better to avoid a few things. But if you do asanas properly, the struggles that you are having with your monthly cycles should completely go away; at least the pain and the cramps and the works should just completely disappear if your sadhana is right. If it has increased after sadhana, you must wait for three months. After three months if it’s still not reduced then we must relook at your sadhana, how you’re doing it.

What you’re doing may be okay but how you are doing needs to be looked at. With kriyas there are more restrictions. With asana there is not much restriction. There may be some practices which are physical postures and also kriyas – they are the things that you need to be really careful about. Like we are doing surya kriya. Surya kriya needs to be looked at carefully because if too much sun burns within you then… it’s very good on one level but if it’s troubling you in your feminine aspect, then we need to re-adjust it, we need to re-jig it a little bit for you; it’s very important that it’s individual, there is no common prescription like that.

‘If the question is how do we do this when we teach yoga?’ So for that we will give you clear guidance. If you notice this, this and this, just say no to this, this and this. A few things we will say no at certain times of the cycle, that’s all. That should take care of it. But largely most of the stuff that you are learning fits into life all times. Inverted postures, certain strenuous breathing, these things will have to be avoided; we will instruct you as to what are those things. But generally what’s being taught as Isha Yoga need not be avoided, it’s all fine, except the kapalabhati, everything else is fine, can be done. Unless you’re particularly sensitive, then maybe a few things have to be avoided but almost everything that you do can be done, except kapalabhati.

Love & Grace,


Isha Kriya

Designed by Sadhguru, Isha Kriya is a simple yet potent meditation which makes one drop of spirituality available to every human being. This powerful spiritual process is available as a free online guided meditation, and is also offered in sessions around the world conducted by Isha volunteers. Daily practice of this simple 12-18 minute practice brings health and wellbeing.

Inner Engineering

Isha’s Inner Engineering Program offers Shambhavi Mahamudra, an ancient kriya that brings harmony to one’s body, mind, emotion and energy. Inner Engineering isn’t a pregnancy-specific program either. It is a simple but powerful process from the yogic sciences to purify the system and increase health and inner wellbeing. Although not all types of yogic practices are advisable for pregnant women, the practice of yoga is very important and even crucial in making an expectant mother’s experience of pregnancy, child birth and parenthood as wonderful as it can be. We take a look at the experiences of two Isha Yoga practitioners, and how Shambhavi has helped with their pregnancies.

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Isha Sounds - Damaru (YouTube PlayList 40 Songs)

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Sadhguru Live Programs in USA

Registration Link

Inner Engineering Total

March 8th 2018 - Chelmsford, MA 01824


Inner Engineering Total is a 4-day, in-person program which combines the tools from Inner Engineering Online and the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya from Inner Engineering Completion course.

Vartanantz Armenian Church, 180 Old Westford Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824

(Google Map)

Thursday March 8th: 6:30PM - 9:45PM | Friday March 9th: 6:30PM - 9:45PM

Saturday March 10th: 8:30AM - 7:00PM | Sunday March 11th: 7:30AM - 7:00PM

Email: NewEngland@IshaUSA.org | Ph: (617) 396-4742 | Registration

Early Bird discount expires on Feb 6th 2018.


5 Minute Yoga tools

These 5-minute processes are easy-to-practice yet potent tools to enhance health, joy, peace, love, success and inner exploration, helping one cope with the hectic pace of modern life and realize their full potential in all spheres of life.

Web Link to Five Minute Yoga Tools

Sadhguru on Udemy

Udemy is highlighting Sadhguru as one of their featured teachers for 2018 to their 19 million users worldwide.  Udemy is a global online learning platform offering over 55,000 courses. There are 3 courses offered, each including 90 to 120 minutes of discourse, guided yoga practices and meditations, free downloads, and links to Isha resources for health and wellbeing.

Web Link to Udemy Courses


The Making of Every Life (Sadhguru Spot)

In this Spot, a video and photo gallery reveal the adorable pups just delivered by Gugi, Sadhguru's one-year old pug. Sadhguru writes “What is amazing is how this mischievous ball of activity transformed herself into a responsible mother in a matter of hours. Beyond the miracle of three new lives manifesting, her transformation is amazing, amazing.” Sadhguru then describes the profundity of life and its manifestation in the process of birth. Enjoy!

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Thaipusam celebrations at Linga Bhairavi on January 31st, 2018

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