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Lokvani Talks To Deepa Mangalat

Ranjani Saigal

Deepa Mangalat is a volunteer and community worker. She lives in Nashua, NH with her husband Shashi Mangalat. She has two lovely daughters who are very accomplished young women.

Deepa chairs the Mayor's council for cultural connections in Nashua. She talked to Lokvani about the initiative and the impact it hopes to have on the community.

How did you get to be the chair of the Mayor's council for cultural connections in Nashua? 

In 2016 Mayor Donchess nominated to me to the Cultural Connections Committee. He had just taken over as Mayor of Nashua. I accepted not knowing what was expected of me, but was curious and wanted to learn and do my best. I was made co-chair early last year and then last September took over as chair.  

What is the mission of the group? 

The mission of the Cultural Connections Committee is to encourage understanding and appreciation of Ethnic Diversity in the City of Nashua and to facilitate communication between the ethnic community and city government.

Nashua is extremely diverse. What is it like to live in such a diverse community? 

It is fun, enriching and enlightening because it helped me gain an appreciation for the colorful variety of culture that is represented here. Nashua is the most diverse city in NH and it is reflected in the food, arts, music and fashion. 

What motivated you to get involved in the mainstream community?

I remember reading a blog about how self - segregation results in a lack of understanding about other viewpoints/diverse cultures. It limits us as human beings. It is uncomfortable to come out of that safe space, our own little world!  But if we want a caring community we must make that effort to reach out and listen to other experiences. When we do that it will be for the greater good. It was around the time that the Mayor nominated me for the position that  Mr. Prithvi Kumar ( former IANH President ) also sent a note stating the need for all of us to get involved in our local government and that is how it all began. This is how I can repay even a little , the kindness extended to me by this community when I most needed it, when my father was dying of cancer. 

What has been some of the learnings from this experience? 

There is a Chinese saying that goes: "If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody." When you support and help those in need, it truly is a rewarding experience. You feel good, helps reduce stress, it makes you a better person.  It is not about yourself, and that sense of purpose and satisfaction you feel when you know you have bettered someone's existence albeit in a minuscule way is unlike any other. 

Do you have suggestions on how Indian Americans can get involved in their communities? 

There are so many ways one can get involved. I began as a school volunteer and learned a lot. I helped in the classrooms as well as the library.  I  served on the PTO at my girls' elementary school. Seeing the  the teachers being so devoted to their purpose and often going above and beyond for their students  was truly a humbling experience. At about the same time through IANH Public Service activities (IANH founder members Dr. Padma Mathur and Mr. Prithvi Kumar were staunch advocates of helping the community we live in) Prithvi, Barinder and I started cooking/serving  at the Nashua Soup Kitchen. That was was over a decade ago. This was how I got involved.  In Nashua  the city website has a listing of all agencies/areas that are looking for volunteers. There is something for everyone based on their interest. 

Any interest for you to run for office in Nashua? 

Oh No!! No!!! I am flattered that you even asked, but I am proud to serve Nashua in my capacity as a community worker. 

Any special message for our readers?  

We all have to take care of each other especially in these times and promote a culture of acceptance, and compassion.  How can we live the good life  if we seek prosperity  for us alone? There is always a need somewhere in our communities. Please encourage the youth to get involved in their local communities. It will be a fulfilling experience.

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