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Geeta Saar - Essance (Nector) Of Geeta

Press Release

GEETASAR - ESSANCE (NECTOR) of Geeta – Perennial Philosophy!

    I.    ETERNITY (Permanence) of SOUL:

    •    Why are we worrying unnecessarily?  Why are we afraid?  Who can hurt Us?  Our soul is neither born nor does it die.
    •    Whatever happens is for our Good.  Whatever is happening is for our own good.  Whatever will happen is also be for our own good.  Let it just happen!

    •    Why are we crying over that which is lost? We have come into this world with nothing and we will leave this world with nothing.   What we have today, may belong to someone else to-morrow.  If we believe that these worldly possessions belong to us then that will be the cause of our unhappiness (misery).

    II.    Instantaneous Destructibility (Impermanence) of our Body:

    •    Transformation is the law of Nature.  What we call death is really the beginning of new life.  One moment, we could be king and the next, we could be pauper.  Mine - thine, young-old, eliminate these thoughts as, all belongs to us and we belong to all.  
    •    Neither this body belongs to us, nor do we belong to Body.   The Body is made of five elements: namely, Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (Sky) and after death body returns to these five elements.
    •    But, this Soul is eternal, so then what are we?

III.       Inevitability of Nishkam (Selfless Action) Karma:

    •    Qualifiers:   1.  Duty-bound Action taken without any attachment or aversion (Raag or Dwesh, Love – Hate, Likes and Dislikes, But as it is OUR DUTY!).
    •    2.  For the benefit of Humanity
    •    3.  Without expectation of any fruits of our action
    •    4.  Without any sense of Ego or “I am the doer.” NOTE:   Any work performed with dutiful, devotional attitude in the name of God, in service to God, we get liberated from fear, worry, misery, mourning for ever and will experience the joyful (Blissful) state.

    IV.    Tasteless Joys in Life:

    •    Once you have experienced the nectarous joy of liberated ones, the pleasure in pursuit of petty joys in life becomes tasteless.
    •    Bhagvan Satya Sai Baba says:  Enjoy means end the petty joys.

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