The Art of Living Course

Skills to Raise the Quality of Life






Are you living as happily and peacefully as you believe is possible?

Physical and emotional stress is unduly influencing the quality of life in obvious and subtle ways. We learn to cope with the effects of stress and settle for limited happiness instead of living the profound peace, love, and joy that should be natural to the human experience. 

If nothing is done to eliminate stress, it accumulates with age, resulting in accelerated physical and mental health difficulties. Stress can affect the mind causing us to hang onto unnecessary worry, anxiety, and regret, and negative emotions such as anger or fear. Many diseases are linked to stress, the immune system is weakened by it, and our relationships suffer from it.

The Breath

Breathing practices have proven to be powerful tools in regulating the mind and purifying the body. Over 80% of the impurities in our body are released in the breath. Breathing practices increase the capacity of the lungs allowing greater purification, oxygenation, and energy.  For every emotion in the mind there is a corresponding pattern in the breath. By using specific patterns of breath you can beneficially affect the mind and emotions.